We commenced Code2Create in 2016 with the intensive training of 6,000 secondary school students within Abuja. Our training was focused on KODU, MINECRAFT, HTML, and CSS. We also involved computer science teachers in the training for them to help mentor our students in their various schools. Thus, achieving the goal of introducing coding o many young people. This was in a bit to fulfiling our goal of 1 million fingers coding. The camp recorded a huge success and it was sponsored by our partners; Microsoft Nigeria, NITDA, and The Future Project.
Thanks to our partners; Microsoft Nigeria, Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry, NITDA, the Future Project and Abuja Global Shapers; we were able to train about 6000 public school students in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria with basic skills in Kodu, Minecraft, HTML, and CSS.
Other Projects Include;
- Quiz Competition among Secondary school students in Kano State.
Distribution of writing materials to the students in Kano State
Conducted series ICT Training programs on how to build software for mobile Apps.
Trained young people on computer engineering and mobile phone repairs.
We supported a Youth Corps Member in constructing safe drinking water in a community
Summer Code Boot Camp