Our Projects

Thanks to our partners We have carried out several programs in Kano, Bauchi, Adamawa  State and Abuja.


In 2021, seventy-five (75) school girls within the ages of 12-18 were trained in Mobile App Development, Entrepreneurship and Life Skills. This program was sponsored by UNESCO Abuja under the UNESCO girl child empowerment training program. The girls successfully developed mobile applications across 5 Themes: Health, Environment, Security, Tourism and Reading. The program gave the girls an opportunity to learn skills that enable them to be solution minded.

Digital Future Initiative

The Zariah Elizabeth Foundation implemented the training of over 750 beneficiaries in digital skills. This was a virtual program titled Digital Future Initiative and the training held between March and June 2021. Beneficiaries of this program were trained in Software Development, Project Management, Digital Marketing, Data Analytics, Product Design. This program was sponsored by Hawksworth in partnership with Microsoft. This training was also done in line with the AFDB project.

Code 2 Create

We commenced Code2Create in 2016 with the intensive training of 6,000 secondary school students within Abuja. Our training was focused on KODU, MINECRAFT, HTML, and CSS. We also involved computer science teachers in the training for them to help mentor our students in their various schools. Thus, achieving the goal of introducing coding o many young people. This was in a bit to fulfiling our goal of 1 million fingers coding. The camp recorded a huge success and it was sponsored by our partners; Microsoft Nigeria, NITDA, and The Future Project.

Thanks to our partners; Microsoft Nigeria, Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry, NITDA, the Future Project and Abuja Global Shapers; we were able to train about 6000 public school students in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria with basic skills in Kodu, Minecraft, HTML, and CSS.

Other Projects Include;

  • Quiz Competition among Secondary school students in Kano State.
  • Distribution of writing materials to the students in Kano State

  • Conducted series ICT Training programs on how to build software for mobile Apps.

  • Trained young people on computer engineering and mobile phone repairs.

  • We supported a Youth Corps Member in constructing safe drinking water in a community

  • Summer Code Boot Camp

Hour of Code Secondary Schools & Primary School Teachers

Over the years, we have facilitated Train-the-Trainer workshops of Hour of Code, project sponsored by Microsoft and CODE.org.
In 2017, we joined UNESCO and Microsoft Nigeria to host the Train the Trainers Programme for selected teachers/facilitators in Abuja. We hosted about 10 teachers/facilitators from different schools and organizations. They pledged to train at least 100 students at different intervals during the one-week #Hourofcodemovement.
The teachers received adequate training on how to use Minecraft and how to teach the students.
We have trained 300 secondary school students and we look forward to training more.

Hour of Code Tertiary Institutions

Tertiary Students from all over Africa participated and for most, it was their first time coding. With #Minecraft, they were able to create their first game! #YouthSpeak Microsoft McAnderson Institute of Technology AIESEC Nigeria AIESEC HOUR of CODE Nigeria Hour of Code Naija Microsoft Africa

Tech Teens Summer Camp

Our Summer Caam is always  a period for kids (age 13-18) to express themselves, embrace who they are and improve themselves by learning social skills needed to maximize their full potentials in an environment that inspire them to bring out the best in them, with our facilitators who are experienced in training and also experts in their respective fields.

Our most recent summer camp was held in 2017, where we partnered with UNESCO to host the YOUTHMOBILE Summer Camp with 51 students from 10 different schools (being gender-biased, we took 3 girls and 3 boys from each school). Over 10 groups developed various mobile and web applications. Kindly view their works here:

During the Summer Camps, our students gain independence and confidence in themselves, as we help students embark on personal projects. And we are proud to let you know that our trainees (students) after a period of 2 weeks become experts, developing several relevant application.

we are raising technology builders and not just users, that is why our training is a hands-on using strategic do it yourself methods.

Over the years, we’ve also gotten testimonies from ur trainees and their guardian.

This year, we are presenting the following courses:

  • Web Development
  • Mobile App Development.

Accelerate Labs

In 2017, we started a project in collaboration with Microsoft and The Future Project titled Accelerate Labs.

Accelerate Labs is set out to empower youths to develop empathy, find clarity of purpose and the needed resources to build socially responsible enterprises within their communities. The project is aimed to train 450 social enterprises in Abuja. This project is still on going.

Digital Literacy Women Empowerment Programme

In May 2018, we did the grand launch of DIGITAL EMPOWERMENT OF NIGERIAN WOMEN in collaboration with UNESCO, MICROSOFT, and BAUCHI STATE GOVERNMENT to empower girls and young women. The training will be deployed in over 6 Local Government Areas within the State, for both formal and informal categories of learners.